
There's so much I am learning! I am from Canada, and have no real beach/ocean knowledge. I think anyone who isn't part of the surf community is in the same boat as me and has veeeery little knowledge on all of it. I can definitely say it will be super helpful for any future beach trips we make!

-Amy Diaz @amydddiaz

What is vacation brain?

Let's be real, vacation brain totally kicks in as soon as you step foot on the beach. Danger is the last thing you want to think of.

So, you decide to just relax... go snorkel, not knowing the forecast for tides and waves, go paddle around, let your kids play in that peaceful tide pool- until it’s too late. Unfortunately, the calmest looking beaches does not equate to safe, due to the very much alive state of the ocean.

We believe the fatal drownings and scares that take place at the beach are preventable, through an awareness and understanding of the ocean.

We believe you’re capable of being alert to changing conditions, and incredibly relaxed at the beach - at the same time.

We believe you can have wildly adventurous and safe beach days wherever you go.

From crazy currents to big waves, from vacationer to beginner surfer; you will become confident and adventurous in the ocean by actually understanding it.

girls on surf trip in
Who this is for:
  • The average beachgoer
  • Adventure seekers.
  • Parents who want to keep their families safer at the beach on vacations or beach days.
  • People who didn't grow up near the ocean.
  • People who don't know how to forecast.
  • Timid beachgoers who want to overcome fears through understanding

two lifeguard racers paddling over a wave

Who this is not for:
  • People who can expertly read changing ocean conditions like currents, winds and waves.
  • Advanced ocean athletes.
  • People who know how to pick optimal beach days for their goals by forecasting.
  • People who are already confident in the ocean, swimming under waves, reading the ocean, and getting out of rip currents.

mom surfing with toddler
Play at the beach with your kids, with confidence.

Become the cool and relaxed parent at the beach who plays with their kids in the ocean, pushes them into waves and KNOWS how to keep everyone safe.

Explore the ocean deeper

Do you or your kids dream of learning how to surf, ocean swim, and just become a better waterman in general?

Your dreams are so achievable. Not everyone gets the opportunity to go to junior lifeguard camp as a kid and lay these essential foundations though. Now is your chance!

Gain a lifeguard's perspective

Don't worry about the wrong things at the beach. Gain the confidence that an experienced lifeguard has by understanding your surroundings, and the shifts that take place.

Course Overview

Here's what you get inside of the Ocean Savvy Course + Access to a private support community with monthly live Q&A sessions.

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Different Types of Beaches
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding Currents
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding Waves
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding Winds
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Forecasting your time at the beach
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Activities for you and your family to grow in the water
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Marine Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding and gaining a lifeguards perspective
Available in days
days after you enroll
Feel better in the ocean, Become Ocean Savvy.

Eva Barnhart with family

I love teaching about the ocean so others can enjoy it more!

Hi, I'm Eva! I am a mother, surf coach, Jr Lifeguard Instructor, and USLA Ironwoman Champion from 2015. I have spent at least 10,000 hours of my life in the ocean, playing, training, and learning from the best of the best. I have also had incredible teachers whose wisdom have allowed me to articulate things about the ocean in a way that is easy to understand.

I love sharing what I know with people who did not get the opportunity to grow up IN the sea. I am excited to help you have wildly adventurous and safe beach days.

I have helped tons of friends grow in their ocean abilities(ahem, surfing and swimming!) quickly and with excellent foundations!

Follow along for bite sized tips on all social media platforms - @sunnywavesco